A draft expert appraisal report on "Radiofrequencies and cancer" submitted for public consultation

A draft expert appraisal report on "Radiofrequencies and cancer" submitted for public consultation

Since ANSES's last general expert appraisal on the health effects of exposure to radiofrequencies in 2013, new data have been published in numerous scientific studies. The Agency therefore undertook a revision of its expert appraisal on the carcinogenic risk from exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. To do this, it applied an international reference method for assessing the weight of evidence to the new data. It is now submitting the corresponding draft expert appraisal report for public consultation, in order to collect any scientific comments that need to be taken into account when drafting the final version of the report. This public consultation will run from 30 September to 30 October 2024.
Breast milk: nutritional benefits and health issues
Lait maternel

Breast milk: nutritional benefits and health issues

ANSES has carried out two specific expert appraisals on breast milk, to follow on from its study on dietary exposure of non-breastfed children under three years of age to chemical contaminants. The results show the importance of reducing exposure to chemical contaminants that accumulate in the environment and the body throughout life, and can then be found in breast milk. At the same time, ANSES confirms the beneficial effects of consuming breast milk, which may reduce the risk of overweight or certain diseases in children.
What are the risks and impacts of diseases transmitted by the tiger mosquito?
Piqûre par un moustique tigre

What are the risks and impacts of diseases transmitted by the tiger mosquito?

The tiger mosquito is now found in 78 départements of mainland France. Its presence increases the risk of an epidemic of dengue fever, chikungunya or Zika. In an expert appraisal published on 13 September 2024, ANSES concluded that there was a fairly high probability of such an epidemic occurring. This could have health, economic and social impacts, particularly on the healthcare and tourism sectors.
Processionary caterpillars: which workers are most exposed?

Processionary caterpillars: which workers are most exposed?

The occupations most exposed to the stinging hairs of processionary caterpillars are lumberjacks, silviculturists, forestry operators and workers maintaining or developing green spaces. These are the findings of the CheniPRO workplace study conducted by ANSES in partnership with the Agricultural Mutual Insurance Scheme (MSA). It is essential that workers wear suitable protective equipment to prevent the risks of exposure.
From breakfast to dinner: how is food intake distributed throughout the day?
heure du repas

From breakfast to dinner: how is food intake distributed throughout the day?

Following on from its work on the dietary guidelines of the French National Health and Nutrition Programme (PNNS), ANSES decided to take a closer look at the health effects of how food intake is distributed throughout the day. At the same time, it also looked at the risks associated with children not eating breakfast.
Triphenyl phosphate, an endocrine disruptor for species in the environment

Triphenyl phosphate, an endocrine disruptor for species in the environment

Triphenyl phosphate is a substance used as a flame retardant and/or plasticiser in a wide variety of materials and equipment. In view of its endocrine-disrupting properties for species in the environment, which have been determined mainly in fish, the Agency is proposing to identify triphenyl phosphate as a substance of very high concern, within the meaning of the European REACH Regulation. The aim is to better regulate the use of this chemical on the European continent. This ANSES proposal is available for public consultation on the website of the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) until 15 April, to give stakeholders the opportunity to provide additional data.
Stepping up surveillance of the oriental fruit fly to prevent it from becoming established in France
Mouche orientale des fruits : renforcer la surveillance pour éviter son établissement en France

Stepping up surveillance of the oriental fruit fly to prevent it from becoming established in France

Bactrocera dorsalis , commonly known as the oriental fruit fly, is one of the most destructive pests for many fruit and vegetable production sectors. In its opinion, ANSES considers that the likelihood of its long-term establishment in mainland France is not negligible. To be able to detect any outbreak of infestation as quickly as possible, ANSES recommends stepping up the surveillance of crops and imported goods in Mediterranean areas near ports and airports, beyond what is provided for in the current regulations.
Report on the use of sugars and sweeteners in processed foods
Bilan de l’utilisation des sucres et édulcorants dans les aliments transformés

Report on the use of sugars and sweeteners in processed foods

Reducing added sugars in food is one of the main strategies for preventing obesity and diabetes. ANSES has produced a comprehensive report on trends in the use of sweetening ingredients or ingredients conveying sweetness – sugar, glucose, glucose-fructose syrups, honey, fruit juices, caramel, artificial sweeteners, etc. – in beverages and processed foods. It examined the ingredient lists on more than 54,000 products on the market between 2008 and 2020, identified by OQALI, the French Food Observatory. This report shows that the majority of products, even savoury products, contained at least one sweetening ingredient or ingredient conveying sweetness. However, the Agency notes a decline in the use of sweetening ingredients over the last 10 years, particularly sugar syrups and artificial sweeteners. ANSES also stresses that it is possible to further reduce the use of sweetening ingredients in products.
New genomic techniques (NGTs) : ANSES calls for appropriate regulations
Nouvelles techniques génomiques : l’Anses appelle à une réglementation adaptée

New genomic techniques (NGTs) : ANSES calls for appropriate regulations

New genomic techniques (NGTs) offer a vast range of applications, especially in the breeding of cultivated plants. Similar to genetically modified organisms (GMOs), but nevertheless distinct from transgenic plants, these applications require careful consideration with a view to their possible arrival on the European market. Within the scope of its missions, ANSES conducted an expert appraisal of the challenges associated with these NGTs in order to provide the authorities and stakeholders with insights for the current discussions on changes to the European GMO framework. The Agency proposed adapting the assessment of these plants on a case-by-case basis, using a graduated approach, and recommended a comprehensive monitoring scheme. In addition to the health challenges, ANSES also identified various socio-economic motivations and concerns associated with NGTs in agriculture, and called for future decisions to be based on a democratic debate that goes beyond the risks and considers all the issues at stake.
Testimonial of Rachel Nadif, Chair of the Expert Committee on Air

Testimonial of Rachel Nadif, Chair of the Expert Committee on Air

Rachel Nadif, respiratory health epidemiologiste at Inserm, has been contributing to ANSES expert committees since 2017. Find out why she became an ANSES expert and what she has to say about her experience.
