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National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health: results of the 2021 calls for research projects

National Research Programme for Environmental and Occupational Health: results of the 2021 calls for research projects

Thirty-three research projects have been selected by ANSES under the 2021 PNR EST. They will receive a total of €6 million in funding. This research will provide new knowledge on environmental risks to human health, in the general population or at work, and to ecosystems.
Rat poison: only use products authorised in France

Rat poison: only use products authorised in France

Two young children have died after accidentally swallowing a rat poison banned in France. ANSES wishes to warn consumers of the danger of these products and to reiterate its recommendations for avoiding accidents.
ANSES provides support for testing a weekly vegetarian menu in schools

ANSES provides support for testing a weekly vegetarian menu in schools

The French EGAlim Act established a two-year trial to introduce a weekly vegetarian menu in school canteens. ANSES was asked by the Directorate General for Health and the Directorate General for Food to provide its scientific support twice in the context of implementing the trial.
How to better prevent risks of ingestion of metal fragments by cows

How to better prevent risks of ingestion of metal fragments by cows

Foreign bodies, particularly metal objects, are sometimes accidentally mixed with cattle feed. Ingestion of metal objects can cause damage to internal organs, which can lead to death in the worst cases. Following a request from the association Robin des Bois, ANSES has just published an expert appraisal report to determine the extent of the problem. This report recommends preventive measures to reduce the risk of metal fragment ingestion by cows and suggests that magnets can be administered as an effective method for avoiding injury.
Cumulative exposure in the workplace: 12 profiles to inform prevention policies

Cumulative exposure in the workplace: 12 profiles to inform prevention policies

During their careers, employees may be exposed simultaneously to a number of sources of stress likely to affect their health in the short or long term. These include night work, exposure to biological agents or chemicals, a lack of resources, or workplace tensions. Taking account of this cumulative exposure or multiple exposure is a major challenge in developing effective prevention policies and improving occupational health in France. A study conducted jointly by ANSES, Santé Publique France and DARES shows that all employees are concerned, regardless of their occupation or sector of activity. It also describes a number of typical profiles for cumulative exposure.
Bulk selling: recommendations and products to be excluded

Bulk selling: recommendations and products to be excluded

How can distributors guarantee the safety of products sold to consumers in bulk? Can all products be sold this way? With bulk selling becoming increasingly popular, driven by social demand as well as by the legislator through the French AGEC Act, ANSES has been asked by the Directorate General for fair Trading, Consumer Affairs and Fraud Control (DGCCRF) to give its opinion regarding products that may not be sold in this way for public health reasons. To continue to effectively protect consumer health, it is important for distributors to apply appropriate procedures to bulk selling.
ANSES and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità sign a scientific partnership agreement

ANSES and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità sign a scientific partnership agreement

ANSES and the Italian National Institute of Health (Istituto Superiore di Sanità or ISS ), Italy's leading public health research organisation, signed a memorandum of understanding on Thursday 18 November 2021. The aim is to strengthen a long-standing scientific partnership between the two organisations in the areas of veterinary public health, food safety, nutrition and environmental health.
Antimicrobial resistance in animals: what major conclusions can be drawn for 2020?

Antimicrobial resistance in animals: what major conclusions can be drawn for 2020?

European Antibiotic Awareness Day is taking place on 18 November 2021. For this occasion, ANSES is publishing the results of several monitoring programmes that it carries out to prevent the emergence and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in farm and domestic animals in France. Below is a review of some key findings with Jean-Yves Madec, Scientific Director for antimicrobial resistance and Head of the French surveillance network for antimicrobial resistance in pathogenic bacteria of animal origin (RESAPATH), Gérard Moulin, Deputy Director of the French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (ANMV), and Agnès Perrin-Guyomard, Deputy Head of the National Reference Laboratory for antimicrobial resistance.
Nitrous oxide poisoning on the increase
Protoxyde Azote

Nitrous oxide poisoning on the increase

Nitrous oxide, commonly known as "laughing gas", is increasingly being misused for recreational purposes. Following the reports produced in 2019, ANSES and the ANSM have published new figures on the cases of misuse reported to poison control centres (PCCs) and to centres for evaluation and information on drug dependence and addiction monitoring (CEIP-As). These figures confirm a clear increase in cases of poisoning in young people in 2020. This type of poisoning can have serious, long-lasting neurological consequences, especially in regular users.
