Rapport d'activité 2023
Inside ANSES
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2023 Annual Report

ANSES presents its annual reports for 2023.

The general report gives an overview of our recent actions taken to protect the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment. 

It comes with thematic reports on our activities in the areas of plant protection products, biocidal products and biotechnologies.

Benoit Vallet

"Vectors and diseases becoming acclimatised to our latitudes, resistance to antibiotics and biocides, water pollution and scarcity, adverse effects of consumer goods, the new generation of biotechnologies, emerging risks in the workplace, nutritional imbalances: in recent months, ANSES has produced numerous scientific benchmarks to fuel reflection and action on symbolic subjects. This annual report, accompanied by three thematic reports, bears witness to the efforts made by a highly skilled group of people who care about the quality and ethics of their scientific output." 

Benoit Vallet, Director General of ANSES

See the report

Joint interview with Patrick Dehaumont and Benoit Vallet

Patrick Dehaumont Benoit Vallet

Benoit Vallet, Director General, and Patrick Dehaumont, Chair of the Board of Administrators, analyse the challenges ANSES is facing in light of its activities over the last 18 months, along with its outlook.

>> Read the joint interview with Patrick Dehaumont and Benoit Vallet

Interview with Marta Hugas, Chair of the Scientific Board

Martha Hugas

"The role of the Board is to guarantee the quality, relevance and consistency of scientific work in relation to health issues."

>> Read the interview with Marta Hugas

Interview with Franck Fourès, Director of the French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (ANMV)

Franck Foures

"Over the years, the ANMV has become a reference agency for veterinary medicinal products in Europe." 

>> Read the interview with Franck Fourès

Interview with Juliette Bloch, Director of Health Alerts and Vigilance

Les principes fondamentaux des vigilances de l’Anses

"Identifying the toxic effects of certain products, foods and behaviours."

>> Read the interview with Juliette Bloch

Interview with Matthieu Schuler, Managing Director General of the Science for Expertise Division

Mathieu Schuler

"With this phytopharmacovigilance scheme, we have taken a real step forward in capturing data on plant protection products." 

>> Read the interview with Matthieu Schuler

Interview with Eva Ougier, coordinator of the RNV3PE team

Eva Ougier

"Obtain data for the purpose of occupational disease prevention"

>> Read the interview with Eva Ougier

Interview with Sébastien Denys, Director of the Environmental and Occupational Health Division at Santé publique France and Eric Vial, Risk Assessment Director at ANSES

Eric Vial Sébastien Denys

"The major national survey Albane will produce data on health, chemical exposure, food consumption and physical activity."

>> Read the interview with Sébastien Denys and Eric Vial