Call for research project

Call for research proposals of the PNREST “Antimicrobial resistance and environment”

From 21/10/2016 to 29/11/2016

October the 21th 2016 the ANSES launched a call for research proposals on the topic “Antimicrobial resistance and environment”. This call is funded with budgets allocated to ANSES by the Ministry in charge of the Environment.

This call is launched within the framework of the National Research Program for Environmental and Occupational Health (PNREST). This program aims to motivate scientific communities to produce useful data at all stages of health risk assessment and thus to bring together research and scientific expertise. More specifically this call is launched for the first time. Its aim is to motivate research projects for a better understanding of the risk of emergence of resistant bacteria and their dissemination in and via the environment

The selection process will therefore be divided into two stages :

  • an initial selection on the basis of letters of intent,

  • a second round of selection based on complete applications.


The call of proposals and the research items

The text of the call for research proposals presents the scope of the call and the conditions which must be fulfilled by projects. It is accompanied by a list of research items that have been identified as high-priority areas for potential users of this research. Four research areas are addressed : 

  • Characterization of exposure of human, animals and ecosystems to residues of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment. 
  • Environmental factors contributing to human exposure to antibiotic-resistant bacteria.
  • Impact of antimicrobial resistance on the environment. Analysis of health and environmental risks associated to the environment.
  • Prevention actions to mitigate phenomena leading to the emergence or dissemination of antimicrobial resistance and related to the environment.


Proposal submission terms

Letters of intent and complete applications must be submitted using the online submission platform which is available on the websites of ANSES : http://recherche.anses.fr

The platform for the submission of 2017 applications will be operational at the end of October 2016. 


Provisional timetable for the call

  • 21 October 2016 : Opening of the call. 
  • 29 November 2016 midday : Last date to submit letters of intent.
  • End of January 2017 : Dissemination of the first selection result to project managers.
  • 7 March 2017 midday : Last date to submit complete applications. 
  • September 2017 : Publication of the final selection results.

Letters of intent must be submitted online by the scientific project managers no later than 29 November 2016 midday French time.

For those whose letters of intent are selected, complete applications must be submitted by the scientific project managers:

1) On line, no later than 7 March 2017 midday french time.

The submission deadline time must be respected.

Acknowledge of receipt of electronic applications will be automatically sent to the scientific project managers.

2) Through a certificate confirming receipt of the application, which is published by the platform after the application is submitted. One paper copy of this certificate, with all required signatures, shall be sent by post to the following address no later than 27 April 2017 midnight:




14 rue Pierre et Marie Curie

F-94701 MAISONS-ALFORT cedex



All applications that are incomplete, received after the deadline or do not fulfil the eligibility criteria will not be evaluated.

For administrative or scientific information, please contact the CRP’s support unit by e-mail at recherche@anses.fr or, if needed, by telephone at +33 (0)1 56 29 18 88 or 52 86.


Practical recommandations

Before he submission of the letter of intent or of the full project, carefully read the text of the call and in particular the section « eligibility criteria » and annexes with the relevant research topics and  « liste des chargeable expenses ».

Submit the letter or the full project using the platform (don’t forget to click on the « soumettre » button). It is highly recommended not to wait the deadline.


For more information :